Malnutrition and the Impact on Health

Malnutrition is a public health issue affecting children under the age of five worldwide. 50% of the 10-11 million children under the age of 5 die each year from malnutrition and the preventable health consequences (Collins et al., 2006). Malnutrition is a result of inadequate nutrition to support growth and development of infants and young children. The absence of the essential macro and micronutrients such as protein-specific fats, vitamins and minerals contribute to maternal and

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Why the World Needs Sustainable Tourism: Tourism is the New Colonialism

One of the most prevalent myths about tourism is that where there is tourism, there is economic progress. Tourism, like any other global industry, affects each destination differently. There are the winners, such as Cyprus, an island destination that has reaped the economic benefits of tourism to the tune of $2.4 billion euros annually (Lemesios et al., 2016). Tourism has invigorated the Cypriot economy and provided an invaluable source of income to locals. Very few

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Global Mental Health – a Hidden Health Crisis

According to, more than 13 million lives could be saved each year if mental health issues were properly funded (global citizen, 2018). Mental health has always been a global issue and it is not getting better. Why does mental health matter or what is the importance of having services for those in need? Research has shown that mental illness is a largely hidden health crisis and it is affecting a quarter of the global

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One Month In – Experiences on the Field

As I round out my first month here in India, I am starting to reflect on everything that I have and have not been able to accomplish so far. More than anything, I am eager to see the fruits of my labor in the work I am doing with Profugo, from engineering projects to English and more. One thing that has been strikingly clear from these few short weeks is that absolutely nothing ever goes

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Health & Wellbeing: Ayurveda

I recently revisited a cookbook a friend gifted me a couple of years ago. I wanted to make Indian food at home and practice combining & balancing spices. I didn’t realize Healthy Indian Cooking for Vitality and Wellness by Monisha Bharadwaj would be a jumping off point for me to delve into basic ayurvedic wellness practices. As Monisha states in her cookbook introduction, Ayurveda is “an ancient Indian science of holistic healing and herbal medicine

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