My name: Beatrice Zovich
Where I consider home: I have moved around quite a bit, but my most recent home has been Philadelphia.
My current occupation: Assistant Program Manager at Project HOME.
My interests: Running, reading, bike riding, visiting museums. spending time outside, seeking out cultural events and activities.
What I would do if I had the day off: Go discover a new place!
My favorite ‘bad’ food: French fries.
Why I am going to Wayanad, India: I have wanted to live abroad for quite some time and am very excited by the opportunity to put my MPH to good use in a setting that is entirely different from anything I have yet experienced. I think this experience will help me grow as a person in ways I cannot now imagine and will allow me to contribute something valuable to a new community. I would also like to get a foothold in international development work and am hoping that this will provide me with the opportunity to do so.
How I hope to grow during my time in India: I hope to form new relationships that will challenge and inspire me and I hope to learn how to navigate life with a completely different perspective and set of customs. I hope to gain a better understanding of the world through firsthand experience and hope to develop new skills in project design, implementation, and evaluation, as well as in community building and strengthening.
My fears surrounding my service in India: I am an introvert by nature and so the experience of entirely new people and lack of familiarity will be quite jarring to me and will require an adjustment period. I have had many new experiences before and they tend to turn out well, but my initial fear of the unfamiliar will likely take a little while to shed.
The three things that I must bring to India are: Books, sneakers, and a blanket.
If I could have an Indian name, it would be: Saanvi.
What “a global neighborhood for a better quality of life” means to me: The inspiring work of this organization exemplifies social justice. To support Profugo is to support a vision of the world that believes in equal opportunity for all people and that one’s potential in life should not be so closely entangled in their circumstances. The idea that health, economic self-sufficiency, and meaningful purpose should be available to all is at the core of Profugo’s mission, so that the tireless efforts of the organization truly do yield a global neighborhood for a better quality of life.
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