Mixing, Collaborating & Ayurvedic Medicine!

A natural medicine (Ayurveda) workshop was held at the Profugo Center of Development on September 1, 2015, with grand success! 34 ladies from the community attended the workshop. The preparation for the workshop started on the previous day with the participants collecting various ingredients…

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Profugo’s Water Quality Program

Monsoon season in Wayanad is quickly approaching but even though the torrential rains will bring large volumes of much needed moisture, Wayanad and the entire state of Kerala continue to endure severe drought outside of the rainy months. The lush greenery of the Wayanad…

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From Villanova’s Engineering Service Learning Team

After travelling dozens of hours and thousands of miles we arrived in Bangalore to the hustle and bustle of early morning rush hour; we witnessed families starting their days as Sabhir, our driver, weaved in and out of traffic on our way to Wayanad….

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Our Girls: Advocating Equal Education in their Own Way

Women’s rights activists around the world have found a new poster child, literally, in 2014 Nobel Peace Prize co-recipient Malala Yousafzai. Famous for having been shot by members of the Taliban because of her outspokenness about the importance of education for girls in Pakistan,…

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Going Beyond the Numbers: Progress in Prashanthagiri!

In the development world, there are tons of metrics by which to assess growth – ways to quantify a program’s progress in promoting health and wellness in a community. And who doesn’t love to see these numbers? Numbers that can easily be translated into…

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