I am Woman Hear Me Roar, and Watch Me Start a Business!

An old proverb states, “Give a woman a seed and she will grow a forest, give a woman an opportunity and she will build a future.” In Wayanad, Profugo is doing both of these things. The Entrepreneurship Training Program is giving women the tools,…

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Interview with Lukka

“The mantra for the social worker is be passionate and be with the community,” says Lukka Thurayil, Profugo’s Field Director in Wayanad, India. We had the opportunity to interview him to find out what keeps him motivated and inspired regarding community development. Hopefully it…

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Onam – a Day of Unity

As we gear up for the holiday season here in the US, it is just winding down in Kerala, where the Profugo Center of Development is located. The biggest holiday of the year falls right after the rainy season, somewhere at the end of…

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Profugo’s Organic Kitchen Garden 2.0!

For the past 6 years, Profugo’s Organic Kitchen Garden (OKG) has been providing a crucial program to support and empower local farmers. Marginal farmers in Wayanad face ongoing farming challenges, such as climate change, flooding, high input costs, poor productivity, and low market prices….

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Sustainable Quarantine Projects

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced billions of people around the world to become creative in how to spend their time quarantined at home. One can only sit on the couch and watch TV for so long before getting bored, so many people have decided…

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Field Update

The beginning of the New Year marked a time of innovation for Profugo. We intentionally organized and mobilized our community members, sowing the seeds that we hope will germinate into enduring opportunities for our community members to be owners and leaders in improving their…

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Air Pollution: An Urgent Cry for Sustainability

Air pollution and its harmful consequences, particularly in India, has steadily increased over time, killing millions of people and detrimentally affecting the environment. Just in 2019, 1.7 million people in India died because of air pollution, accounting for 18% of all deaths in the…

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Sustainable & Just Community Development

Profugo, like many other organizations, aims to create social change, and better the lives of those who have less access to resources such as health services, education, and entrepreneurial skills. The work Profugo does is essential and has fostered great change in Wayanad. What…

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Nutrition Education: Why Isn’t it a Priority?

Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts: these are the core subjects taught in public schools in America. Health class: this is typically taught only a few times a year and only a section of this course covers the topic of nutrition. According to…

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Sustainable Living Simplified

A sustainable lifestyle is a way of life all people should try to live, but it can be difficult. Taking care of the environment through living sustainably can dramatically decrease the amount of environmental caused deaths every year and help keep all people healthy….

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