The International Effort to Share Vaccines

Vaccines are becoming easier and easier to find in the United States, but there is a widening disparity of vaccinated citizens between the developed and developing world. While close to 50% of the United State’s population is vaccinated, some countries are hovering around 1%…

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How to Support Rebuilding and Development in Post-Pandemic Times

The COVID-19 crisis has caused an intense shift in humanitarian response. As many programs were suspended and workers were sent home/unable to be on site, the way the world faced humanitarian problems fundamentally changed. Rebuilding communities and rebuilding NGO operations has changed due to…

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Sustainable Quarantine Projects

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced billions of people around the world to become creative in how to spend their time quarantined at home. One can only sit on the couch and watch TV for so long before getting bored, so many people have decided…

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Modern Monetary Theory & Developing Economies

“Free money” – a phrase that appeared in bold on the cover page of the July 25th, 2020 edition of The Economist magazine. Such a statement feels counterintuitive. The whole idea of “free money” goes against the old adage we learn as children –…

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Air Pollution: An Urgent Cry for Sustainability

Air pollution and its harmful consequences, particularly in India, has steadily increased over time, killing millions of people and detrimentally affecting the environment. Just in 2019, 1.7 million people in India died because of air pollution, accounting for 18% of all deaths in the…

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