Q & A with Field Fellow Julianna

Julianna Joss is one of Profugo’s current field fellows in Wayanad, India. Julianna has been in the field since September 2019 and will be staying for another year. She’s passionate about sustainable development and grassroots community building. Prior to journeying to Wayanad, Julianna told…

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The Impact of Arts

Education isn’t just about reading, writing, and learning arithmetic. It’s about developing yourself into a full person – with deepened appreciation, more perspective, and a stronger understanding of the world around you. Profugo’s Fine Arts Skills Training (Profast) in Wayanad, India does just that……

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Becoming a Beam of Light

Statistics show that Indian girls in regards to self-esteem, education, and independence, due to gender roles and sexism, are in a worse place than their male peers. For example, Indian adolescent girls’ self-esteem (Rao et al). The literacy rate for females in India is…

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Corner Groups & Leadership

Profugo actively engages women members of the Wayanad region through many programs, one of which promotes female leadership and autonomy. Corner groups are an important part of Profugo’s social initiatives because it fosters community and avenues for dialogue and feedback. Corner groups allow for…

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Education: Investing in Women

Gender equality is a human rights issue with many important ramifications. Investing in women fosters greater representation in many public spheres with additional economic impacts. This empowerment is imperative to breaking down barriers to women’s success and quality of life. Education is one prominent…

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Food Insecurity & Sustainable Agriculture

Food security goes beyond just access to food. The idea of food security also needs to take into account the availability of adequate and nutritious food. It is crucial to ensure that current and future generations not only have enough food, but enough healthy…

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Education During a Pandemic

The rapid spread of COVID-19 throughout the world has forced politicians, policy-makers, administrators, and educators to make impulsive decisions about the state of education. Worldwide, many schools have shut down campuses and in-person learning in traditional classroom settings, transforming education into primarily virtual settings….

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Plant-Based Diets Throughout Time

Vegetarianism is defined as “the theory or practice of living solely upon vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and nuts—with or without the addition of milk products and eggs” as well as the barring of meat and often seafood in one’s diet, says the Encyclopedia Britannica….

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The Environment or Economic Growth … Or Both?

In 2015 at the University of Louisville, Justin Mog, the assistant provost for sustainability initiatives, gave a Tedx Talk entitled “The Myth of Environmental Sustainability.” His speech focused on the environmental implications of human behavior, and he focused on what taking steps towards true…

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Community Member Spotlight: Sunitha Chandran

Every day, Sunitha Chandran wakes up at 5:00 am to begin the day’s cooking and cleaning.  At 8:00 am, she heads out for a full day of farming activities.  By 5:30 pm, she returns home to finish her household duties, look after her two…

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