Starting off with a Bang(alore)

There’s something magical about being cooped up in an airplane for 23 hours. It gives you a certain high of impending doom: O Ye mighty jet lag deity…be ever so merciful to me.  The beauty of flying Lufthansa as opposed to *ahem* American for an international flight is the constant conveyor belt of food that they give you. The constant calories certainly pacified my anxiety about the long travel times, first from Denver to Frankfurt,

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Mental Health Knows No Borders

Every year, I hear more and more about how important it is to take care of my mental health. Whenever I log into Facebook or Instagram, my newsfeeds appear to be flooded with posts and memes about how I should be “treating myself” or practicing self-care;” I am sure the ubiquity of these statements is familiar to most college-aged students out there. We are consistently reminded by our peers and educators to take a break,

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The Benefits of Purchasing Locally Grown Products

Many people do not ever consider going to a local market or the local section of their neighborhood Whole Foods Market; however, there are countless benefits from eating locally grown foods.  Locally grown foods support the community economy, the environment, and are healthier for you. Supporting your community and it’s economy is easy when you buy from local vendors.  By buying products from local farmers, your money remains in the community and supports the wages

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The Ramifications of Mismanaged Trash in the Global Neighborhood

In the last two decades, India has seen a huge increase in trash levels. According to the India Times, Delhi for example has seen a rise of 2,075% in tons of garbage produced in a day between 2000 and 2015. [1] The lack of infrastructure to properly dispose of trash, specifically in rural areas can lead to serious consequences for those communities. According to the EPA, mismanaged trash can have a variety of effects including,

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The Power of Preventative Nutrition!

Preventative nutrition and health care is the best way to save yourself from getting sick or developing a major illness.  What we put into our bodies is the biggest factor in how our body works.  The lack of nutrients can lead to disease and some of the most common diseases across the globe are diabetes and cancers, which can occasionally come from an unhealthy diet and health care. Obesity and diabetes are diseases that are mainly caused by diet and exercise.  Diabetes

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