THANK YOU Profugo Friends!

A huge THANK YOU is due to all who supported Profugo’s programs and development efforts in 2013!  We are grateful for all our interns, volunteers, board members, mentors, donors, and friends who supported us in ways that we could not have fathomed.  You helped us to grow where we were weak, you encouraged us when we needed that extra push, you supported us when we wanted to affect positive change in Wayanad, India.  We may

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Pure Water, Living Water: Water Education Program

Water is life giving. It is an amazing molecule that makes life as we know it possible. Clean water means a healthier planet and a better quality of life for us all. Working alongside the Center for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM) from Calicut, the Headmistress and staff of the Edathana School, and engineering students from both the Government Engineering College (GEC) of Wayanad and Villanova Engineers Without Borders (EWB), Profugo hosted two collaborative

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“Wrapping up the Year” Children’s Club Event

Anticipation is laced into the air and into the tinsel that shoots of flickers of light like sudden lightning bolts. The children file in, glancing curiously at the various arts and crafts that have been distributed, bringing their contribution fee and signing in their names, barely able to contain their excitement. The children continue to come in a steady flow until the entire patio is filled with the chatter of young and carefree minds, a

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November Health & Wellness Forum

After inaugurating the Profugo Health &Wellness Program in October here in Prashanthagiri, much excitement and anticipation surrounded the November forum held on the 23rd. Over 60 community members participated in the event that was presented by Mrs. Nimisha James, B.Sc nurse, registered, and wife of Profugo Program Manager Aneesh James. It was a special day with the presence of Jenny and her children, Selah, Elia, and Enoch. After Jenny’s welcome and introduction about the expectations

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Teamwork.  Whether playing a sport, working in an office, playing in a band….it is imperative to be one harmonious unit.  While Jenny Koleth, Profugo’s Executive Director, was in town, we had a day promoting teamwork within the tailoring center.  Jenny began the day using the analogy that each woman represents a strand of thread.  One thread is weak and easily breaks.  As you begin braiding more and more strands together, the thread becomes stronger, more durable.

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