The Grand Masala

I love learning about other cultures. I find the differences in people’s everyday lives, their customs, and traditions, how they relate to one another, and the values they place on certain aspects of life to be so intriguing. Besides all that, which was an attempt to sound like a semi-intelligent human, I am absolutely fascinated by how different cultures eat. Food is like a secret window into a culture. How, when, what and why people cook can give you an inside look of the history, traditions, hardships and successes of a culture. And who doesn’t like to eat? I mean, really.

For the next six weeks, we are going to run a blog series on recipes using ingredients that are grown in southern India where our international development projects are currently taking place. It should be an interesting eight weeks since I am going to attempt making all of the dishes myself, but we can guarantee unique recipes that taste good and all mistakes will be documented –let’s be realistic here – so that you can avoid making the same ones.

So stay tuned for our first recipe in The Grand Masala series, Pepper Coconut Chicken.  How good does that sound right now?