The Merits of Social Entrepreneurism

The concept of entrepreneurism is highly regarded by the general public, because it epitomizes the qualities of creativity, determination, and risk-taking. We root for entrepreneurs to be successful, because they show that such characteristics can lead to positive results. Social entrepreneurs augment this illustration of a business, because they aim to assist disadvantaged and impoverished communities. Social entrepreneurship is the backbone of development in third-world countries, providing opportunities for people to sustain economic prosperity. All

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Reflections of a Citizen of the World

Ever since I started my college life, about a year ago, I have always found myself extremely busy. Being very ambitious (to say the least), I decided to take 5.5 credits in school, besides all the extracurricular commitments I had already assigned to myself. I knew I wouldn’t have much time to dedicate to anything else other than studying when classes started. I couldn’t be more wrong. As days of classes and nights of study

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Employment & Empowerment

“It’s not about the money” – once said Jessy J. Even though this is only a pop song, Jessy J definitely had a point: money by itself is less meaningful than the contentment that comes from knowing you worked to earn it. So why not have the best of both worlds? Why not make the money while knowing that it is deserved due to our own hard work? Money turns out to be much more

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Mixing, Collaborating & Ayurvedic Medicine!

A natural medicine (Ayurveda) workshop was held at the Profugo Center of Development on September 1, 2015, with grand success! 34 ladies from the community attended the workshop. The preparation for the workshop started on the previous day with the participants collecting various ingredients for the preparation of medicines. Sisters Innocent MSMI and SCelin Rose, two catholic nuns, and Mrs. Mary Peedikamalayil, all local experts in traditional medicine making guided the participants. The following items

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Reflections from a Graduate and Lifelong Learner

I have learned a lot from being in college, and I will hold these concepts dear to me for the rest of my life. I have learned that I have agency to enact change and that my voice is worth hearing. I have learned how to listen and that people who are unable to do the same for me are not worth my time. Most importantly, especially through my Sociology major, I have learned to

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