Notes from the Puddle

People say I make strange choices, but they’re not strange for me. My sickness is that I’m fascinated by human behavior, by what’s underneath the surface, by the worlds inside people. – Johnny Depp. This is one of my favorite quotes. For the past few years I have thought of this quote from time to time, and in returning from our trip to Pondicherry, it crossed my mind again. We visited the Sri Aurobindo Ashram

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Colors, Colors Everywhere

I am in my second week here in India. I am learning a lot about India’s political, economic, cultural, and historical background as I adapt to my new environment. My favorite aspect of India currently is the colors popping out at me everywhere I look. The women strolling along in their saris…each one different and beautiful. Varying shades of orange, blue, green, purple, pink. Some fringed with gold, some fringed with silver. The gold bangles

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Open hands to open eyes. The title of my blog as well as my first photo album documenting my journey in India this summer. With just two weeks of experience to draw from, I can tell you that I thought of this title because it best summed up my journey so far, and I have no doubt that it will apply to much of my time here. In my mind this phrase has several meanings,

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