My name
Emily Kathryn Davies
Where I consider home
Philadelphia, PA
My current occupation
Graduate student at Rutgers University – Camden
My interests
I love to: dance; eat; see and experience new places and people; spend time with family, friends, and my kitties; listen to music, preferably live; read; and I’ll end with hiking and exploring the great outdoors. There’s nothing that can humble a person like the forces of nature.
What I would do if I had the day off
Hmmm. I am assuming this day off is sunny, so I would go to the beach.I would dig my feet into the sand, read a good book, do a little daydreaming whilst gazing at the ocean, go for a swim, and reeeelax.
My favorite ‘bad’ food
C is for cookie :).
Why I am in Wayanad, India
I am going to work on community and economic development within the village, namely a water sanitation project and an English Language School. My year with Profugo is the second half of my master’s degree. I am working on a Master’s International Degree in International Public Service and Development at Rutgers. I just completed a year of intensive classes and an internship in community development within Camden, NJ. The second year is out in the field, in India!
How I hope to grow during my time in India
I hope to grow in many ways. One is professionally. I want to be more knowledgeable and proficient when it comes to implementing and carrying out economic and community development projects. I also want to grow as a person, to have a more open mind and heart.
What were my fears surrounding my upcoming trip to India
This is going to sound ridiculous, but Iím a bit worried about wild elephant stampedes. Again, I know it is ridiculous.
The three things that I must bring to India are
My hammock, pictures of family and friends, and my camera.
If I could have an Indian name, it would be:
My message to potential donors
What Profugo is doing in India is a noble and just cause. Donations to me will go towards acquiring materials for the Water Project such as piping, drums, tools, etc. Money will also be needed for supplies such as books, paper, and pencils for the English Language School. Donations will help improve not only those in the village in India, but the effects will be felt worldwide. Empowering one person, let alone a village goes a long way. As the Profugo motto states, “A global neighborhood for a better quality of life.”