Pink, blue, green, gold, and many other colors flashed in front of my eyes as I sat and watched Bryn Mawr College’s South Asian Women culture show this past weekend. There was so much diversity, from the fashion show to the performances, everyone had their own take on what it meant to Pilipino, Pakistani, Nepali, or IndiProfugo Blog pican. It was fascinating to watch my fellow students and friends tap into another part of their identity and share it with the community. In this way, they were able to educate others about different cultures while at the same time having the chance to bond with one another around a shared goal. Just as their different ethnicities were displayed so was the fusion between cultures. At one moment performers would be dancing to a traditional Hindi song and the next it would transition to American pop.

This color, diversity, fluidity and fusion reminded me of our new line of Profugo store products. It is important for us to relate to our Western market, but at the same time stay true to our roots in Wayanad. We look to both educate and respect the traditions of those both in Wayanad and in the United States, but this is a difficult tightrope to walk and presents many challenges. What does our partnership mean? Are we being considerate of local practices and customs? How successful are our products in bridging the gap between these two cultures?

Often times by answering such questions we are led down a path that might not lead us to an easy and quick solution, but instead one that requires much reflection and thought. By working through this process we can learn more about our partners in Wayanad and also about ourselves. Growing our understanding of one another and strengthening our commitment is crucial to the vitality of our work. We are starting out on a journey, but one thing is sure, out of such fusion can come the most beautiful creations that have the capacity to transcend barriers and leave an impression on the minds and souls of many.

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