Monsoon season in Wayanad is quickly approaching but even though the torrential rains will bring large volumes of much needed moisture, Wayanad and the entire state of Kerala continue to endure severe drought outside of the rainy months. The lush greenery of the Wayanad hillsides turns to a parched yellow in the months of the dry season. A large percentage of the monsoon rains are lost as run off into the Arabian Sea due to the sharp elevation differences in the topography of Kerala. Water does not get the chance to diffuse into the ground water table and water that runs off into local surface water systems is often contaminated from pollution. With climate change bringing less rain to the state each year, we hope for change within our community to better manage and care for this precious resource.
In early January 2015, we took steps towards creating this change by developing a water resources program focusing on maintaining water quality and cultivating young adult leaders in the village community to be advocates for maintaining and promoting clean water. We hosted a water quality testing training program in conjunction with engineering students from the Villanova Engineering Service Learning Program. The goals of the program were to expose young adults in the community to the theory and practice of water quality testing, and to incite a passion within these young adults to become leaders and improve the care of water resources in the village. Through the program, the youth would be able to learn the theory behind several basic but important water quality parameters and be able to receive hands on experience in administering these tests on their own in Profugo’s newly implemented Water Quality Testing Laboratory. The laboratory station at the Profugo office consists of a work bench, an incubator for bacteriological testing, testing materials, a laboratory notebook to record results, and water quality information books and packets. The Villanova Engineering Service Learning Program graciously donated the incubator and various testing materials to help the laboratory become operational.
Water quality parameter testing capabilities at the laboratory include coliform and E. coli bacteria, pH, total dissolved solids, hardness, nitrates/nitrites, free chlorine, and arsenic. The program began with a presentation from the Villanova engineering students on the theory behind the basic water quality parameters the young adults would be trained to test for. Small group break out sessions were then led by each of the Villanova students where they performed a specific test on a water sample and gave the young adult leaders the opportunity to practice performing, interpreting, and recording results on their own. The day was an exciting introduction for young adults to develop their leadership and scientific method skills.
Water testing cards were provided to each of the participants to record test results from their families’ water source over time, allowing any changes in the quality to be monitored. The cards also list tips to protect their water source at home such as installing a well covering, cleaning the well each year, and ensuring there are no septic tanks or animal waste sources within 15 feet of the well. The program was such an accomplishment that 10 of the 14 students in attendance expressed interest to continue developing their skills through the program so that they could become water quality leaders, advocates, and managers of the Profugo Water Quality Testing Laboratory. At the end of the day, I had acquired a passionate group of apprentices that were willing to work hard to become better leaders, scientists, and take ownership of caring for their village’s water resources. Stories of their continued training to come!