Some Experiences of a Field Fellow

Visiting a Post-Landslide Community As some of you may know, between August 16 and August 30,   Kerala was hit with the worst flood the area has seen in over a hundred years. What is very unfortunate about the whole thing is that some of…

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Breaking Down Boundaries: the Practice & Significance of Field Work

“Talk is nothing without walking the walk.” These are the words of one of Profugo’s past field fellows, said in a documentary on the organization as the camera pans out on the field fellow and a child in the village, walking hand in hand…

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My Journeys in the Landscape of Volunteering

98 teddy bears – looking back, that’s what marks the beginning of my longtime commitment to volunteering. As a child (and with the help of an obliging mother), I volunteered several hours of my time to collect donations of teddy bears to be sent…

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