Sharing, Learning and Growing Together!

It started to rain heavily. Nevertheless, the children came. Big, grey clouds hovered over the beautiful lime green hills overlooking our yard. Despite the rain, the community’s children came happy. They walked up to Profugo’s Center of Development (COD) with big smiles unbothered by the wet mud stuck to their shoes. It was their first Children’s Club meeting after its inauguration and they also knew Jenny, our director had come from the US with her

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Teamwork.  Whether playing a sport, working in an office, playing in a band….it is imperative to be one harmonious unit.  While Jenny Koleth, Profugo’s Executive Director, was in town, we had a day promoting teamwork within the tailoring center.  Jenny began the day using the analogy that each woman represents a strand of thread.  One thread is weak and easily breaks.  As you begin braiding more and more strands together, the thread becomes stronger, more durable.

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Reflections from Profugo’s Newest Field Fellow: Anu Thomas

She told me that I could fly, that all I had to do was believe and wings would escape from my shoulder blades and I would become a great wild eagle, a stranger to tethers and cages. No, not an eagle, but a beautiful exotic bird from the east, one that the world has never seen or classified or drawn in a science textbook. This bird, without even a name to inhibit her freedom, would

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Inauguration of Health Forums and Children’s Club

On October 16th there was a meeting to celebrate the one year anniversary of Profugo Development Initiatives (Profugo’s local entity) in Prashanthagiri. Along with the thanksgiving and appraisal of our walk together of PDI and community, we also formally inaugurated the Health Forums and Children’s Club. This meeting also coincided with the visit of our friends from Villanova University. We had representatives from the local Panchayat (local government office), PDI President Dr. Abraham, PDI Secretary

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Millennials and Social Engagement

The Millennial Generation is arguably one of the most socially engaged generations. Thanks to innovations in technology, these young adults have had ever-increasing access to news and information that has helped to shape their understanding of the world in which they live. Millennials are “a generation that has been shaped by tragic world events such as 9/11 and natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina. The result is a group that has developed a strong social

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