A Hero a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

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October 1st marked the launch of our HERO FOR HEALTH campaign to raise funds for the Health & Wellness programin Wayanad, India. The focus of this initial program is community health education. By increasing knowledge on methods of prevention and home remedies, we hope to empower people to better care for their families and reduce the likelihood of developing preventable diseases. Staying healthy is a key factor in reducing poverty, by preventing the cost burden that comes with financing trips to the hospital and the wages that are lost when people are unable to work due to illness. Some of the topics include first aid, nutrition, common seasonal ailments, diabetes, stress management, and dental care.

Growing up, we hear the saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Here at Profugo we say, “a Hero a day keeps the doctor away!” Would you be that Hero for the community in Wayanad? Please make a $10 donation here.

Thank you on behalf of Profugo!