Why the World Needs Sustainable Tourism: Tourism is the New Colonialism

One of the most prevalent myths about tourism is that where there is tourism, there is economic progress. Tourism, like any other global industry, affects each destination differently. There are the winners, such as Cyprus, an island destination that has reaped the economic benefits…

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How India’s Social Inequality leads to Economic Inequality

One day when I was scrolling through my social media accounts, I noticed that one of my friends shared an article by The Economist titled, “Why India needs women to work.” The article recites facts about Indian women’s’ contributions–or lack thereof, to the Indian…

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Global Mental Health – a Hidden Health Crisis

According to globalcitizen.org, more than 13 million lives could be saved each year if mental health issues were properly funded (global citizen, 2018). Mental health has always been a global issue and it is not getting better. Why does mental health matter or what…

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Health & Wellbeing: Ayurveda

I recently revisited a cookbook a friend gifted me a couple of years ago. I wanted to make Indian food at home and practice combining & balancing spices. I didn’t realize Healthy Indian Cooking for Vitality and Wellness by Monisha Bharadwaj would be a…

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